SpOvum is at ACE 2024, Pune

SpOvum is participating in ACE 2024, the National Level conference, happening in Pune.

SpOvum has participated in multiple conferences in the past. What makes this sepcial?
We are showcasing some of our recent innovations!

Come witneess the FutureOfICSI!

SpOvum is at ACE 2024

Here is a sneak-peak of LIVE demos at our stalls:

  • RoboICSI – the Robotic ICSI, made remote!
  • SpOvum ARTGPT – First-of-its-kind ChatBot for A.R.T.
  • SpOvum ART-Buddy – now you can have a “conversation” with your patient data
  • QR code based smart double witnessing system
  • And a lot more!

Come visit our stalls for these demos and know more about the cutting-edge technologies developed by SpOvum!

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