DYU’s Little Baby Clinic

Happy to share that @spovumtechnologies has successfully collaborated with  DYU Women and Childcare, Bangalore. Dr Prashant Gowda and Dr Jyothi Bandi are the prime movers of this hospital and their hospital hosts truly best-in-class facilities including the smARTIVF platform of SpOvum. DYU also takes pride in providing the best quality treatment for patients. DYU brings world-class to Bangalore! If you know anyone in and around this place you may spread the word. Thank you. DYU Women and Healthcare 1098, 14th Main Rd,  Sector 3, HSR Layout,  Bengaluru, Karnataka 560102 Contact: 080 4865 5556 /8050404040 Visit: https://www.dyuhealthcare.com/

DYU – CME focused on Fertility and Women health ManagementDYU –

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