RoboICSI was at ACE Goa 2018 from 17th-19th August at Holiday Inn resort. We had a 3 day stall were many embryologist, clinicians, distributors, freelancers, students, manufacturers, IVF product suppliers visited to know about the technology and the working of the product. We had a live demo setup for the visitors to get a feel of it.

There was a poster presentation by the team as well which was on ” Mechanics based characterization of oocytes using grippers” that explains about how bio-mechanical properties helps us to distinguish good and bad oocytes .

Dr Keshav Malhotra had presented a talk on “Automation in IVF” where he had talked about RoboICSI under Automation of ICSI on the 3rd day of the conference.
Clinics/ embryologists who were interested for a free demo of RoboICSI signed up with us at the stall to get to know more about the product.
There is a free signup for hands on training on RoboICSI at world-class Santaan-Origio Academy. To sign-up please do visit our blog post Hands on Training on RoboICSI

RoboICSI Team had a wonderful stay and experience at ACE Goa conference 2018. We got to meet many embryologists, Clinicians, Companies who were ready to connect and get to know about the product even further.
If there are any enquiry regarding the product, dashboard or any other information please visit our website RoboICSI Website