Stimulated Ovulation Cycle

The main steps involved in this cycle are:

  • Super-Ovulation:
    Naturally, in each ovarian cycle one follicle becomes mature and gets ready for fertilization. Now women who have infertility problem and is going to undergo IVF, FSH are given as subcutaneous (under the skin) injection that will regulate ovulation, the growth and development of eggs in the ovaries.[4]
Administration of FSH for Ovarian follicle stimulation
  • Trans-vaginal Ultrasound: 
    After FSH treatment, ultrasound scans are needed to monitor the response of the follicles growth in the ovaries. The growth of the follicles is assessed by observing their increase in size using a trans-vaginal ultrasound.[4]
Trans-vaginal Ultrasound

If the follicles seen on the scan is in the range of 16 mm to 20 mm in size, then the trigger shot is given as mentioned in the next step. This hormone initiates the final maturation and release of the eggs. This mimics the LH surge that stimulates ovulation during normal cycle.

  • Taking a hCG shot:
    The next step in IVF treatment is triggering the oocyte for the last stage of maturation, before retrieval. This last growth is triggered with an injection. This is also called the “hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotrophin) Trigger shot”.[4]
hCG trigger shot


The injection is given when the follicles have grown in range of 16 to 20 mm in size. This shot is typically a one-time injection.


  • Going for the Gold- Retrieval of Eggs:
    About 34 to 36 hours after the “trigger shot” is received, the egg retrieval or ovum pick up will take place.
Retrieval of the egg






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