Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder

The connection of beauty to the eyes of the beholder is much deeper than what it looks. Different people have different perception of reality or on things. Some might find somethings good while other may find it bad. In this study let us concentrate on Morphological inspection.It is the best tool and it has wide range of observations for a given sample…Let’s find out how?. The image below was asked for assessment to the embryologists in a conference and was told to grade the oocyte accordingly.

Oocyte image given for the quiz [courtesy : ESHRE Atlas of human embryology]


Around 20 of them took up the quick quiz. The image that was given during the quiz was taken from ESHRE Atlas of human embryology. Below the image were a list of buttons which were related to the grading of the oocytes like: Maturity, Size, Zona, SER etc. They had to select the appropriate options referring to the image.

The result of the quiz was made into a pie charts for better representation and understanding. We were surprised to see the answers obtained.

Zona appearance, for example appeared to be Uniform for 63.2% of them and Non-uniform for 36.8%.

Likewise, maturity of oocyte for a M2 oocyte was 83.3%, M1- 11.1% and GV 5.6%.

Maturity graph [M2;GV;M1]

Grading the oocyte based on quality, 50% has told it is good, 25% abnormal, 15% approximately mature and 10% said almost normal.

Grade quality of the oocyte

The polar body had sections like – Shape, texture, size and fragments. Shape: 2 of them found it to be irregular, 10 of them opted oval and 5 of them found the oocyte to be round. Based on the texture of PB- 10 of them found it smooth and 7 of them rough. The PB size was selected normal by 15 of them, smaller and enlarged by 5 of them. 7 of them found the PB to be fragmented whereas 9 of them found the PB to be normal without any fragments.

Polar body grading


Zona pellucida grading of the oocyte

Vacuoles and SER have got the same percentage of answers. Absent is 62.5% and Present is 37.5%.

Vacuole and SER grading of the oocyte


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